David and Goliath - from my kids to yours

David and Goliath - your kids can watch this one :-)

(Throwback Thursday... 2012 Another oldie but goodie from the old blog.)

My kids make movies. Yeah. Lots of them.

They have a little series entitled "Pickles in Time," which is some really absurdist social commentary. Personally, as their mother, I find it a little disturbing. Our chiropractor thinks the films are genius, and wants to cameo in one of them. In full costume. If you've viewed any of the "Pickles" episodes, you'll know just why I'm laughing out loud at that.

But all of this moviemaking and editing has taught them some things: timing skills, sound effect skills, story skills (forgive the Napoleon Dynamite humor). And they put some of those skills to good use creating a claymation presentation of David and Goliath. Very low-key, particularly compared to the "Pickles." But funny too. You can show this one to your kids. They promised to work on another story soon!

I hope you enjoy it: click here to go to YouTube


Our seminarian teaching Philosophy. Over tea.


The "Ministry of the Open Door"