Gift ~ reflex on Luke 1:26-38

The Gospel scene of the Annunciation can be seen as a summary of the entire Gospel. It shows the mystery of God becoming man, but also the mystery of man freely cooperating in the saving action of God. Mary stands in place of all of us, modeling the proper response of the creature to God’s invitation when she answers humbly that she is the handmaid of the Lord, accepting whatever He wills. It is this answer that allows our Redeemer to come to save us, that is the means by which the Word was made flesh to dwell among us, and that changes all of history. Gabriel has come to present God’s invitation and receive Mary’s response; as soon as she assents, the angel departs from her.

Mary’s yes to God reverses Eve’s no; her humility begins the undoing of the effects of Eve’s pride; her patient waiting for the unfolding of the details of God’s will is the counter-move to Eve’s reaching for what was not hers to take. Because of Mary’s proper response to God’s invitation we see the glorious result: God with us, God within us, God among us, God at work in the world.

Mary doesn’t receive in order to enrich herself or to hide away enjoying the Gift in secret – she receives the Lord so that she can bring Him to others, and the first thing she does is go “in haste” to her cousin Elizabeth. She is the first “Christ-bearer,” and she carries the Light into the darkness, carries Love into the indifference, carries Life into a world deadened by sin. She brings forth from her own body the Food that will sustain us on our journey Home, the Truth that guides our way.

We are right in the middle of the seven “O Antiphons,” those verses prayed at Evening Prayer every Advent since the 700s, which we all know from the hymn O Come, O Come, Emmanuel: “O Key of David, opening the gates of God’s eternal Kingdom: come and free the prisoners of darkness!” The Annunciation shows us the very beginning of this freedom, the coming of the Key that will open the gates sealed against sinful humanity since Adam and Eve, the coming of the Light that conquers every darkness. But the Messiah comes to win the victory not with violent clashing of swords and mighty trumpets, but with humility, obedience, and absolute steadfastness – He wins the victory by refusing to take any shortcuts or back down, by teaching and serving, all the way to the utter outpouring of Himself. He conquers all, one heart at a time, by giving Himself.

And it all begins right here, in the womb of the sinless young maiden, who will give birth quietly, in the dark, in the cold, unnoticed. Her yes to the angel reaches all the way to that abject poverty and humility, and all the way to the Cross, the throne of the Redeemer King born for us on Christmas.



Mother of God and Our Mother ~ reflex for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God


What did you go out to see? ~ reflex on Luke 7:24-30