Holiness ~ reflex on Luke 19:1-10

Sometimes, Jesus changed his plans. But it seems the only reason he ever changed his plans was love.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus intends to pass through Jericho, but his loving desire to save Zacchaeus changes his plans. Zacchaeus is not pious saint; he is a wealthy man, a chief tax collector, a sinner in the eyes of others. He is, in many ways, lost. But Jesus came “to seek and save what was lost,” and so he is eager to reward the effort of this poor sinner by telling him to “come down quickly” and inviting himself into his home.

Zacchaeus may not have understood his own motivation for climbing that tree to get a glimpse of Jesus. Maybe it seemed initially like superficial curiosity, maybe he had climbed trees before, being “short in stature.” But he follows that good impulse and Jesus meets him right there, and draws him more deeply into his gaze, into his heart. And Zacchaeus responds by receiving the grace that is being offered, repenting of his greed, repaying any extortion fourfold, and giving away half of his possessions to the poor.

We sometimes become stuck in our belief that we will never make real progress in spiritual things because of our own inadequacy, because we are “short in stature” spiritually. And it is true that, by ourselves and our own resources, we can do nothing. But we are not on our own! The Lord is just as eager to draw us into his gaze and into his heart as he was to draw Zacchaeus to repentance. The Lord always meets us more than halfway and brings us to the next level. If we take a step toward him, he takes two steps toward us. If we put forth an effort to know him, he looks at us and receives us. If we acknowledge our own weakness, he becomes our strength. If we hold up our brokenness, he heals us. Whatever we open to him, he fills abundantly!

So let us all resolve to never give into the temptation to be discouraged or to believe that we cannot become holy, or that holiness is not for us. Instead, let us put all our hope in the Lord, who lovingly came “to seek and save what was lost” and whose Divine Creativity never fails to find ways to draw us to himself.


Andrew the Strong ~ reflex on Matt. 4:18-22


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