Keys that Bind and Loose ~ reflex on Mt. 16:13-19
In today’s Gospel, we encounter a pivotal moment in the life of Jesus and the foundation of His Church: the profound truth that because of Peter's clear confession of faith, he becomes the rock upon which Christ builds His Church, bestowing upon Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus first asks His disciples, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?" This question invites us to consider the perceptions and opinions of the world around us, and the disciples' responses reflect that diversity. But Jesus desires a deeper understanding from His disciples, one grounded in faith rather than the opinions of the crowds, so he asks, “But who do YOU say that I am?”
Peter, speaking on behalf of the disciples, declares, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." This confession encapsulates the essence of Christian faith—a recognition of Jesus as the Messiah and the divine Son of God. In response to Peter's proclamation, Jesus affirms that it was not flesh and blood (or the opinions of the crowds) that revealed this truth to Peter but His Father in heaven, and he then confers upon him a unique authority: "You are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my Church." The name "Peter" itself means "rock," and in this moment, Jesus establishes Peter as the foundational stone upon which the Church is built.
The granting of the keys to the kingdom symbolizes the authority given to Peter to bind and loose, which refer to the kind of authority familiar to the Apostles. “Binding” refers to the power held by the King’s Master of the Palace in ancient Israel; “loosing” refers to the power of the Jewish synagogue leader to expel and reinstate members from the community, to preserve the synagogue’s religious and moral integrity. By giving this same authority to Peter, Jesus clearly signifies his role as the earthly leader of the Church, with the intent to maintain the Church’s unity of faith, worship, and governance. It is a share in the very authority of Christ, so that we can have confidence in the Church even when things are hard for us to understand. This authority, of course, is meant to be put in service to God’s people, to guide and shepherd the Church, ensuring it remains faithful to Christ, its Foundation and Bridegroom.
In contemplating this passage, we are called to examine our own faith. Are we willing to declare our faith boldly, as Peter did? Do we recognize the Church as a communion of believers, guided by the successors of Peter, the popes, who continue to serve as the earthly shepherds of Christ's flock?
Faith in Christ is the bedrock of the Church, and through our confession of faith, we are connected to the authority and mission Christ entrusted to Peter and his successors. May we, like Peter, declare our faith in Jesus and participate wholeheartedly in building His Church upon the solid foundation of faith.