Jesus prayed - reflex on Mark 1:29-39

When do you pray? When you have a desperate need? At meals? Mainly on Sundays? On days when it’s convenient? Every day unless you’re just too busy?

When did Jesus pray? It’s quite right to say he prayed always, because everything he did on earth he did to fulfill the Father’s will. But in today’s Gospel we see that he had to carve out time to be alone to pray. Sometimes he climbed a mountain. Sometimes this was late at night. In this Gospel, he rose before dawn and went to a deserted place. He sought out ways and times to be alone in communion with the Father, and these ways and times were not always convenient, especially as his popularity grew.

After sunset, “the whole town was gathered at the door,” and before dawn he was going off to pray in solitude. One wonders how much sleep he got in between, and how much time he had to pray before his friends found him to let him know everyone was looking for him. Probably not as much as he had hoped for, but he responded by continuing his travels, his preaching, his healing “throughout the whole of Galilee.” Empowered by his connection with the Father, resolved in his complete surrender to the Father’s will, he continues forward on his mission. “For this purpose have I come.”

Jesus is Incarnate Love. Love keeps pouring itself out, without counting the cost, without holding anything back for itself. But it must reconnect to its Source in order to be effective and fruitful and keep on going without becoming weary. Even the Son of God, busy with the mission of Redemption, must put forth the effort to be with the Father in order to fulfill His will perfectly. Because Redemption isn’t won with great ideas, wonderful initiatives, or brilliant proposals; Redemption is won through obedience.

We, too, need to make sure we are carving out time to pray, because “no disciple is greater than his master” (Jn 15:20). Sometimes finding time is difficult. Sometimes prayer itself is difficult. But it is necessary that we are faithful to some time each day to learn to surrender to God’s will for us, and to let Him do His work in us. We have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit who prays within us even when we feel we cannot pray. Let’s resolve to set aside some time every single day to pray, to give God the permission and opportunity to do His gentle work in us. 


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Mother of God and Our Mother ~ reflex for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God