Remember those posts about time?
I have had no time to do what I set out to do.Because real life (and sometimes, death) must take precedence over whatever good we hope to do in the online world, I have been unable to maintain the posting schedule I set for myself.Our family experienced several losses and several more crises in the last several weeks, which have taken me away from the computer and even away from my home. But these are rich experiences, full of meaning and family and a sense of what is most important.
When we view things from a spiritual perspective, everything is meaningful and meritorious, from the ends marked by funerals to the beginnings marked by seminaries (especially when we see Grammy glow with joy!).From the rainbow of nature's bounty to the rainbow of promise against a gray sky (it was a double!).
It seems like things have fallen back into a more natural rhythm, which might allow me a more regular opportunity to write, assuming this is what God wants me to do now.And as I sit here with the sun shining over my quiet yard, my thoughts and prayers keep reaching toward all those millions of people in our country and others who are suffering so much from natural disasters this month. We can do precious little to relieve them, and yet WE MUST DO THE PRECIOUS LITTLE WE CAN! There is no "us" and "them;" it is all "WE." Pray, certainly; give generously to those who can meet their practical needs in ways we cannot; sacrifice what you can.
I hope we meet here again.Meanwhile, let's keep each other and this aching world in prayer.