Thanking, Breaking, Giving ~ reflex on Mt 15:29-37

During this first week of Advent, as we prepare for the great coming of our Savior, the Gospel helps us see what this Savior will give us. Jesus draws great crowds with his preaching of the Kingdom. He heals the lame, the blind, the deformed, the mute, “and many others.” He amazes the crowd, who in turn glorify the God of Israel.

The compassionate Heart of Jesus is moved with pity for the hungry crowd, who have almost run out of food, but not out of enthusiasm for hearing Truth! The disciples note that, there in the middle of nowhere, there are no resources to feed all these people. So Jesus asks them to bring to him the meager supplies they have – seven loaves and a few fish. And then he does what is so familiar to us: Jesus gives thanks, breaks the bread, gives it to the disciples, who in turn give it to the crowds. “They all ate and were satisfied,” and there were seven baskets of leftovers. An impossible abundance.

Does this story sound familiar? This is indeed the second time Jesus multiplies bread for a crowd. The first time (in Mt 5), there are 12 baskets left over; scholars point out that this is meant to signify enough for the 12 tribes of Israel. In today’s Gospel, Jesus is probably preaching to the Gentiles, and there are seven baskets leftover; seven is the number of completion and ending, the number of times the Gentile army commander Naaman had to wash in the Jordan to be cured of his leprosy. The Gentiles are included in Jesus’ abundant self-gift as well.

This prefiguring of the Eucharist – the sacrament that unites the entire human family around the one altar – is also prefiguring the inclusion of non-Jews in the New Covenant. In Christ, we are all one Body, and there is neither Gentile nor Jew, woman or man, free or slave.

At every Mass, Jesus again gives thanks, breaks the Bread, and gives it to us through the priest. If we are eager for Truth, we will receive healing and grace. If in that Communion we give Him all we have – as meager as it is – we will see that Jesus can multiply it and do amazing things with the little resources we have to offer. If we receive the Bread of Life with joy and gratitude, we too will eat and be satisfied, with overflowing.

This Advent, let’s consider that the little Infant born of Mary in Bethlehem and laid in an animals’ feeding trough is truly Food for all, giving himself wholly to feed immense crowds every day in every place, bringing the whole human family together in His Heart.


“Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord” ~ reflex on Lk 1:26-38


Salesmen ~ reflex on Mk 10:46-52