AN INVITATION TO ALL WOMEN OF FAITH:Friends, I am moved to deep sorrow and a sense of spiritual responsibility by the renewed revelations of the spiritual crisis within the priesthood around the world. I know you are too. We need not despair: THERE IS SOMETHING WE CAN DO!!!As women, our charism is one of spiritual motherhood.Together, let us join our prayers in support of spiritual fatherhood, particularly for seminarians, deacons, priests, bishops, cardinals, and our Holy Father Pope Francis. I have given this initiative the name "agape" - true, self-giving love.

This initiative is just beginning. In less than 48 hours,
over 100 women have joined together to pray.Will you join us at the beginning of following this inspiration?Together, we will reflect and pray, as an army of "Joan of Arc's" willing to enter the fray of spiritual battle for the spiritual welfare of our clerics and the Church.

You can choose to simply join us spiritually in prayer for these intentions.You can
sign up for weekly emails to help us focus our prayer and pray together.You can
follow our Facebook page for daily sharings and conversation.Whatever you do, determine to remain fully and firmly in the Church; for all her flaws, she is still the Bride of Christ, and the gates of hell will not prevail.Mary, Mother of Priests, pray for our shepherds.Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.