Fearless ~ Matt 10:24-33

Would you invite someone to a task by saying how terrible it’s going to be for them? “It’s a dangerous and difficult job, and people are going to hate you for doing it. They will do all kinds of hurtful things to you. They will even kill you.” Um. I’ll pass on that.

This is what Jesus has just said to his Apostles as he sent them out “as sheep in the midst of wolves” to preach the Gospel. Full disclosure. But in today’s Gospel he is telling them that, even though it truly is a difficult task and they will be opposed and even killed (things that naturally cause fear!), they need not be afraid. But the reasons Jesus gives are not the reasons we might expect.

Jesus does not say that everything will be alright, or that the Apostles will only be threatened but not suffer, or that they will be saved from death at the last moment and defeat every enemy. Surely, Jesus is capable of those things. But those are the images of myths and superheroes, but not the images of the Gospel.

On the contrary, Jesus points to the full reality of being an intentional Christian: the cross of opposition, humiliation, and suffering. The cross demands courage, perseverance, and faithfulness, which are possible when we see the purpose and the goal. So Jesus draws the Apostles toward the antidote to fear: an “eternal perspective,” helping them to see things in full cosmic scale, reminding them that there is so much MORE to reality than we normally consider. He reminds them that ultimately, the spiritual takes precedence over the physical, we must seek the Kingdom first, knowing that our value is exponentially greater than we understand. We are loved and cared for in every detail (the very hairs of our head are numbered!) by the Creator who is also our tender Father, so we need not fear anything but sin.

There is always evil and stupidity in the world, and often this is the noisiest and loudest and gets the most attention. But all the weakness and darkness that lies below the surface of the flashy noise will be revealed in the end, like the “man behind the curtain” projecting “the great and powerful Oz,” and we will see that it is nothing.

On the other hand, the steady and subtle movements of the Spirit of God within us and around us are where our attention should be, as it is this Spirit Who empowers us with every grace and virtue and adorns us with spiritual gifts, so that we are prepared for the eternal Wedding Feast. When we know the radiance for which we are created, we fear nothing on this earth. When our treasure is in Heaven and our eyes are fixed on the Heart of God, we will persevere through every difficulty until we are finally safe at Home.


Hardened paths, rocky patches, brambles, and rich earth - reflex on Matt. 13:1-9


A Spotless Heart - reflex on Luke 2:41-51