Hardened paths, rocky patches, brambles, and rich earth - reflex on Matt. 13:1-9

Jesus goes down by the sea. And the large crowd is so eager to be near him and hear his words that he is forced to get into a boat and go a little way out to sea. He could say anything right now, command anything– storm some city, revolt against the Romans, start their own community - and most of them would do it! But Jesus does not use his authority to overthrow anything or bully anyone; instead, through the parable of the sower, he invites those who hear him to examine and change their own hearts.

Are our own hearts hardened pathways? Do we show up to hear God’s word, but that word does not resonate in us because our hearts have been allowed to harden in the same old desires and habits that keep beating their way through them? Any seed tossed on this surface just bounces around a bit and is taken away by the enemies of our soul.

Are they filled with rocky patches? Do we hear the word of God and it begins to echo within us, and we even experience the joy of recognizing what is Good and True and Beautiful? But then, because we have not allowed our heart to be softened and furrowed by vulnerability and suffering (but instead, perhaps, hardened by these things), this joy of Truth cannot be sustained within us against the demands of our ego, the culture, or temptation.

Are they strangled by brambles? Do we hear God’s word and experience the desire to conform our lives to it, but only so far? Do we, though called to the better part, give in to the lesser? The word is often welcomed up to the point at which we are called to let go of worldly pleasure, power, popularity, prestige, or prosperity (the “5 P’s,” as I call them); we have then put a limit on God’s action in our lives.

Or are our hearts rich soil? Have we allowed our hearts to be prepared by grace so that, like Mary’s, they are fertile earth in which the Word of God can be planted and come to fruition and yield a great harvest? She heard the word of God, welcomed it, said YES, and never wavered, all the way to the Cross and beyond. This is what Jesus calls us to do!

The Kingdom requires our freely given yes. Only if our hearts are rich soil and the seed can be nurtured there without limits or conditions can we truly be fruitful branches on the True Vine. Without Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5). But if we allow ourselves to be prepared by the Sower, if we remain in Him and He remains in us, he can bring forth His fruit in us, “a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.”


Am I one of the greatest?! ~reflex on Matt 18:1-14


Fearless ~ Matt 10:24-33