Jesus took him by the hand ~ reflex on Mk. 8:22-26

“People brought to him a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him.” We all need friends like this, who will lead us along the way and beg for the help we need! We are all called to help others and intercede for them before the Lord!

The blind cannot find the way by themselves; they need help. If they are to get anywhere new, they must accept help. If they are to accept help, there must be someone offering help. In some ways, the story of the blind man is the story of every soul.

We are all wounded, spiritually blind, and cannot find the way by ourselves. If we are to make progress in the spiritual life, we must accept the help of others: friends, family, those capable of directing our soul along the way. Even more, we must open ourselves to the healing offered to us in Christ through the Church, particularly through the sacraments.

Jesus takes the blind man by the hand (don’t you love this image? Jesus takes us by the hand and leads us to a quiet place) to bring him away from the distractions of the village and the people. Then he puts spit on his eyes (which some writers have interpreted as the words of Christ); but the man’s vision is only restored partially. Then Jesus laid his hands on the man’s eyes (which can be interpreted as the sacraments – the outward sign of grace) and the man’s vision is restored fully.

Where are you in this story? At different times in our lives we may identify with the noisy villagers, the man’s friends, or the blind man himself. We may just want to see God working out of doubt or curiosity. We may be reaching out to help someone open themselves to God’s work by giving them counsel and praying for them, begging Jesus to touch them. We may be opening ourselves to God’s work in our own lives, allowing Jesus to take us by the hand and lead us. Our healing comes incrementally, in stages, not usually all at once. All along the journey, God wants us to be helping others, and allowing ourselves to be helped.

Who do you want me to bring to You, Jesus? Give me the love, grace, and courage to lead others to You for healing, and to be open to Your healing touch in my own life!


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The Light enters the Temple (on Candlemas) ~ reflex on Lk 2:22-40