Parable of the Sower ~reflex on Matt. 13:18-23

If you’re a gardener, you’ve probably already harvested some of what you planted in the spring. Maybe some of the flowers are already adorning your home. Maybe you’ve eaten some of the vegetables. Or maybe you’ve been disappointed with the germination of some of those seeds, and you’re already considering how to amend the soil for next year.

Jesus knows this situation. He scatters the seeds of the Word liberally and generously, but often the germination rate is poor or the yield is less than it might have been. What’s the problem? It’s certainly not the seed itself, which is the Word of the Kingdom. The problem lies in the hearts of those who hear this Word, whether they are prepared to receive it.

Some hearts have no understanding and no desire to understand, so the Enemy steals away the seed before it can form the tiniest roots. Some hearts are eager for the comfort, the “warm-fuzzy” feeling, of the Word of Truth, but they turn away quickly when it challenges them, and the seed is never nurtured and cannot take root in them. Some hearts are distracted by the “5P’s”: power, prestige, pleasure, prosperity, and popularity; they hear but cannot embrace the Word because they are holding on to other things, and it cannot flourish in them. But some hearts are ready and eager, prepared by prayer, enriched by desire, and furrowed by humility, and the Word finds rich earth where it can root and grow and bear much fruit.

Our hearts must be properly prepared to receive the seed of the Word. With prayer and humility, we can become like Mary, fertile earth to receive and nourish and give growth to the Seed planted in us, so that we can bear fruit and yield a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold! Let’s pray that God will prepare our hearts to receive the Seed of the Word eagerly and fruitfully every time we hear the Gospel proclaimed, so that we can bear much fruit.


Give us this day what we need for this day ~reflex on Matt. 14:13-21


The First Foot ~reflex on John 20:1-18