Strong enough? ~ reflex on Luke 13:22-30

What do you think will happen to you when you die? What do others think will happen? As we are all human, we can be sure that after this life, we all face the same options, no matter what we currently think or believe. If you are reading this, you probably believe that you are created by a loving God Who awaits your arrival after death, and you are working to know Him better so that you are properly prepared.

What can we do to prepare ourselves for this moment, this crossing-over from this life to the next (because our souls are never “dead” – our memories, wills, and understanding are ever alive and ever ours, in this life and the next!)? What can we do to “be saved”?

When someone asks him if only a small number of people will be saved, Jesus has a clear opportunity to assure everyone: It’s easy. Everyone can do it. Just be nice and share!

But this is not what is true. Jesus instead gives us an indication of the effort we must exert when he says, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter, but will not be strong enough.” What kind of “strength” do we need? Our Second Reading today (Heb 12) tells us we need to be reproved and disciplined by the Lord through patient endurance of trials; it is this kind of suffering that strengthens our “drooping hands and weak knees” so that “what is lame may not be disjointed but healed.” God Himself is a good Father Who sees where our weakness is, and Who will teach us what we need to know to be strong and whole, without breaking us. The difficulties and pain and confusion of this life are allowed by God because this is what will finally make us strong enough to enter through the narrow gate.

This is a hard saying in a world where we generally avoid difficult and painful things and seek ways to rest in security and comfort. But the Gospel is always the place where worldly understanding is turned upside down so that we learn to reject the priorities of the culture and even of our own weaker nature and to embrace the challenge to do hard things for the greater good, our own good, and love of God. The Gospel is always reminding us that we need saving, that by ourselves we can do nothing, but if we continually open ourselves fully to God, HE can do all things. We are weak, but in Christ we are made strong enough to enter through the narrow gate of LIFE.


Mary Stood (Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows) - reflex on John 19:25-27


Am I one of the greatest?! ~reflex on Matt 18:1-14